The holy grail of digital marketing, optimizing website conversion is as mysterious as it is elusive. Almost every online store, blog and marketing funnel has an undeniable obsession with finding the best ways to increase website conversion.
With the average website converting 2-4 purchases for every 100 visits, it takes a lot of work to make an online business sustainable. The truth is some sites fall outside of the average and can take up to 1000 visits before registering a single sale.
The barriers to entry might be low to get set up and sell online, but they are balanced with a path fraught with a plethora of conversion based obstacles.
Increasing conversion rates takes more than mere luck, most websites move percentage points in the right direction with fine-tuned strategies and analysis.
We’re going to share 10 different ways to enhance your conversion that you can implement, test and fine-tune for yourself.
1. Clear CTA’s
The most effective way to lead website visitors to the desired action is to spell out what you’d like them to do with a clearly defined Call To Action (CTA). Using expertly written copy and stand out buttons for CTA messages ensures the key sales messages standout and describe the simple steps every visitor should take.
Limiting the number of different CTA’s to a single main conversion goal will help increase the possibility of the website conversion increases.
2. Add a pop-up
In a world of constant updates and notifications, society is trained to pay attention to incoming notifications with a degree of importance. Website pop ups are a brilliant way to interrupt and drive a conversion response. Adding an email popup can ensure you get contact details before 96-98% of visitors leave the site.
Apps like Igniterfy make setting up an email input popup simple. With only a few clicks you can get a popup live, collecting customer emails.
3. Frictionless checkout process
Removing friction and unnecessary steps that can sometimes slow down or get in the way of that all important website purchase is crucial to optimizing the conversion process. Making the process from browsing to completed order as simple and fast as possible is the main goal.
E-commerce giant Amazon is a master at this, taking users from the product page straight through to the checkout confirmation in seconds with pre-stored personal information.
4. Utilize conversion notifications
What better way to optimize your website for conversion than with custom notifications that are specifically designed to encourage conversion actions. Igniterfy has two specific notifications tailored to driving conversion results. Both share specific details on the recent purchases made on a specific product.
Consumers’ typical response to FOMO inducing notifications is to purchase quickly before potentially missing out on the deal to other buyers.
5. Engage with video
The latest advertising campaign statistics are conclusive in supporting the idea that video contributes to greater conversion actions. Video is one of the most engaging forms of media and has proven time and time again that it builds trust quickly with audiences, even those who are seeing the content for the first time. Using Igniterfy’s new embedded video pop up can increase visitor engagement, trust and subsequent website conversions.
6. Add live chat facility
A big difference between online and traditional retail experiences is the level of customer service. In an offline setting, it’s much easier for customers to engage with service representatives to ask specific questions or get persuaded with benefits they may have overlooked.
One way to bridge this gap online is to incorporate a live chat. Brands like Canyon Bikes and Warby Parker use instant messaging chat to answer any questions from website visitors, might have there and then. Clearing objections quickly and guiding them to conversion faster.
7. Set a timer
With our seventh suggestion, time is of the essence. There is nothing quite like a good deadline to get your web visitors focused and fully prompted to make a decision.
Without a timer ticking away, the likeliness is that your visitors will relaxingly browse without a sense of urgency and need to buy. Instead, using a countdown timer from Igniterfy can give website visitors a strong message to make a decision quickly. In turn, increasing website conversion.
8. Abandoned cart follow up sequence
You’ve done all the hard work, the website visitor is about to become a customer when all of a sudden they disappear! Welcome to the nightmare of online shopping cart abandonment, which averages a staggering 69%.
The smart brands retarget abandoned cart holders with gentle nudges in the form of cart reminder follow up emails. If you’ve ever left products in your cart chances are you’ve received a reminder email to draw you back to complete the sale. If that doesn’t entice you back, expect an exclusive discount coupon to arrive directly in your inbox.
9. Professional copy focuses on benefits
Benefits sell and that’s why professional copy will always directly speak to how the product or service can benefit, instead of highlighting the latest and greatest features. Using well-written copy that highlights what’s in it for the customer makes the conversation in their head much more straightforward. Convincing them to pull out their credit card and make the purchase.
On iPhone maker Apple’s website, they get straight to their award-winning benefits and give more reasons for the customer to say yes and willingly convert.
10. Social proof with testimonials and reviews
Social proof is probably the most influential factor in website conversion. With 83% of people valuing the recommendations of peers over brands or advertisements, it’s clear that people don’t fully trust the claims that businesses make and instead will listen to unbiased opinions favorably. From product reviews to consumer samples and quotes, it all provides quality social proof.
Igniterfy can add your best reviews to any website page, encouraging website visitors to take a conversion action with authentic testimonials that apply to the product being viewed at the time.
Taking a leaf out of the social proof book, don’t take our word for it on the strategies mentioned above. Implement, test and measure for yourself.
The Igniterfy social proof app is designed to enhance website conversion with up to 20 different custom notifications that influence your website traffic to convert. Finding the right mix and reaching conversion nirvana is an iterative process, but at least you have a few possible ways to get there.